- Large accidental spills have occurred. 发生大量泄漏事故。
- I accidentally spilled my drink all over him. 我不小心把饮料溅得他浑身都是。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- Set's not cry over the spill milk. 我们不要徒劳的后悔。
- Careful the stuff doesn't spill out! 当心不要把东西溅出来!
- The sway of the pail cause some milk to spill out. 桶的摇晃使一些牛奶溢了出来。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- Bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw. 有坏人啦,出人意料的逃。
- Our meeting was quite accidental. 我们的相遇是很偶然的。
- Stocks took a sharp spill in today's trading. 股票在今天的交易中猛跌。
- Don't jog me, or you'll make me spill something! 别碰我,不然我就把东西弄洒了。
- He is sure to spill the beans before long. 用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。
- He had an accident and bashed up his car. 他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。
- The oil spill endangered thousands of birds. 石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。
- All blame for the accident must attach to myself. 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。
- He had a bad spill trying to ride that horse. 他想骑那匹马,让马给重重摔了下来。
- The accident bereaved her of her son and husband. 那次事故夺去了她的儿子和丈夫。
- The car has been badly mashed up in the accident. 这辆汽车在事故中被压碎了。
- The meeting spill over from the hall into the corridor. 参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。